Sunday, August 1, 2010

I work in a Heat Plant

which is interesting for an operator because there are all types of alarms that sound. The alarms are different depending on if there is a fire alarm, boiler problem, emergency wellness center alarm, or call accounting alarm. I have become an amateur connoisseur of alarms, deciding if it is really annoying to only slightly irritating. But the heat plant is a happening place that has people coming in and out to see tunnels, cut out boilers, and people working to keep campus warm. I like it because there is always something going on or to see including:

They painted this cabinet and wanted it to dry on all sides so they lifted the top up with a crane.

This is my office--they were working on electrical stuff and set us up temporarily. This was also the same day the campus Fire Marshall and fire department representative needed to come by...

This was a sprinkler right outside my office that kept having issues

I don't remember what they were doing...

but there is always special things happening at the Heat Plant!

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